Saturday, February 2, 2013

Our Pouf Has Arrived After All!

Turns out the pouf arrived in Thursday and I didn't know it. As you may recall from yesterday's post I was waiting for a "footstool".  I totally forgot what we finally won on Ebay and it was, actually, a pouf type ottoman rather than a stool on legs.  But when a very light flat package arrived for Bill it never occurred to me that this might be it.

Turns out it was so cheap to buy and ship because it was just the exterior and had no stuffing!!!  So it showed up like a deflated football.  Hmmm....what to do?  Then I remembered that we had yards and yards of bubble wrap from the chair delivery so I went out and retrieved it all from the recycling bin to stuff into our pouf.  Presto - Instant Ottoman!!

I do have some last pictures left over from the weekend to share.  (Side note - people say "oh you do so much all the time" when really we only do things on the weekend and then I dole out the pictures all week.  Don't be fooled.  Our weeks are dead dull.)
While Bill was smoking a stogie, I took in the Museum of Fashion which are under the Assembly Rooms in Bath.  Jane must have attended something here at some point although its unlikely that she walked on that carpet.

The Museum of Fashion was interesting - especially 1800- 1920.  I looked at each decade and was able to associate the changes of fashion with a different period piece movie.  If only the rest of the NPPS could have been there with me!  Anyway those clothes were all behind glass in a dark room so that they were exposed to very little light and it was impossible to get a photo.  They did have an area where you could Dress Up Like Victorians.  And yes, I did try to put on the corset and the hoop skirt but nothing fit enough to even stay on my body while I snapped my own picture and without Bill there it just wasn't as fun so I gave it up and moved on.
This was one of the few older dresses with the wide skirt.  It is covered in embroidery and beadwork which all would have been done by hand.  And I learned that these dresses would have come in sections to be sewn together ON the woman.  Imagine if every time you tried on something at the Gap there was someone sewing you in and taking you out...
These are actual gloves that would have been worn in Shakespearean times.  They did have thumbs in those days but you can't see them in the picture - I don't want anyone thinking that our thumbs evolved after Shakespeare.   But that's pretty amazing, isn't it??  
The modern clothes were all on mannequins with heads and blank faces which was very off putting and made it all look cheap so I didn't feel like the 20th century was well displayed and just left to meet Bill (after a trip to the bookstore).    And that was our weekend in Bath.  

It's technically Saturday morning now and I've come down with a rare head cold.  I think this was brought on by a conversation I had with Amie where I actually said (typed) the words "I miss sick days".  Within minutes my throat hurt and my nose was running.  We do have plans for this weekend so we will see if I can rally - if not for Bill then for this week's blog.


chi said...

awwww! I would have LOVED a pic of you in NPPS appropriate attire! Go back, go back - and make Bill go too so you hold something on while he snaps!
And feel better - your fans will be waitng for info on today's adventure!

Anonymous said...

Oh no - a head cold! Hope you're feeling better!