Friday, February 22, 2013

Potpourri Post

My new favorite sitcom is "Miranda".  We don't have Miranda Hart in the US - not sure why she hasn't made her way across the pond.  Although she did sneak over in the "Call The Midwife" series as Chummy.  Her sitcom is very different - completely silly, pratfalls, lots of repeated jokes, lots of looking at the camera and breaking that 4th wall... The first time we watched it Bill and I were sort of confused how this was such a huge show here.  But there were also actual belly laughs and by the end of the first half hour I was hooked and bought the box set of the first two seasons. I was going to  add a few quotes but they just don't work as well in print. One of my favorites was when she was trying to cancel a gym membership and threatened to sh*t all over their towels.  Hmm...I may have just figured out why this isn't in the US.
Sadly, I've already watched them all.  As Miranda's mother would say, "Such fun!"

We had a few other odds & ends photos that never made it to the blog to I thought we could post a few random pix....

 This is the stupid little biscuit we get with our tea at the train station.  The cup comes with a complimentary "cape".

Don't you want a pair of eyelashes for your car?

I debated adding this one because I'm not trying to rub it in when I know the US is due for more snow. But hang on - there's still hope!  It's cold and grey here now but there are already hints of spring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I need that pink car!
