Saturday, November 1, 2014

King Charles III and a night with my divas

Big Thursday night out.  Jules and Jerry scored free tickets to King Charles the Third and they brought Anne Maria, her friend Este and us.  We walked in blind.  No idea what it was about.  No reviews read.
Our default in this situation is to say we'll leave at intermission if it is rubbish.

Full house.  Good sign.  Many, many old people.  Not as good a sign.
 I am surrounded by actresses.  Jules can vamp it up with the best of them.

 Jerry and I look like extras in mob film.  I would have deleted this one, but I've given up looking good in the blog.
 I don't think I'd like these seats.  It's like you're on stage, too.  Everyone watches you.

 Anne Maria and Este.  Este is another budding actress.  I told you, I'm surrounded by thespians.  
 Two more budding actresses.  I don't remember what scene we had them playing.  Whatever it was, they nailed it.
 Jules has mastered an artistic subtlety.  The other one .... well, I'm sure she has other strengths.
 Good one.
 This is the stage set.  Time to put away the camera.  Don't want to get yelled at by an usher.
 After the show.
Quick review: Excellent evening theatre.  The play explores what would happen if our beloved Queen died and Charles became King.  There was a very interesting conflict between democracy and the monarchy.  Charles pushes the limits of his power.  The struggle between king and government was fascinating, as was the royal family disputes.  A brilliant show.
 After the show, Chinatown (only we went Vietnamese)

 Charmingly tacky decor.  Why is the beer always crap at Chinese and Vietnamese restaurants?
 Not acting.  This is Anne Maria telling a story.
She was buzzing from her Espresso martini
 Jen admitted to being the worst chop sticker in the group.
 But it doesn't appear to bother her.
 After Vietnamese it's off to get get a nightcap.  The girls are shocked at the bum photo.
 Jen dives to get in the shot.
 Not acting.  Genuine laughter.  
 Back to acting.  The direction was to give Jerry doe eyes.  Anne Maria wins this one.
Jen went for more of a zombie look, while Jules looks suspicious.  She's been with Jerry too long, apparently, and cannot summon up doe eyes for him.
 Jules always looks good in a hat.  I had this shirt made at  I have blogger Tourettes.  I'm just yelling out streams of consciousness.  Candle!
 We closed down the place and went looking for another stop for a night cap after the nightcap.
We left in search of one more pub.

 We were shut out.  London is not the night owl that NYC is.

Got to bed at 2:30.  And on a school night!

A final note; Selfridges likes Christmas.

1 comment:

didi said...

Kindle! Bill you always look fabulous on the blog!