Sunday, November 9, 2014

Busy Saturday with Chris and Earle

Since this was their first ever visit to London we have a lot to show them this week.
We started the day at Portobello Market.
Bill took them to one of our favorite stalls.  

Portobello is always a bit of sensory overload - so much to see, so many people, so much to buy...

This is inside a really small bookshop.  I wish we got a picture of our favorite moment - one of the shop girls cam downstairs where I'm standing and slid a while wall of books to the side to reveal a big office space on the other side. I want a secret room behind a shelf of books in my house some day.
Time for lunch.
What can I say about lunch?  We wandered in a spanish tapas bar that we have never been to before.
It was full of officially spanish people - that's a good sign.
We got a table and ordered 9 different small plates.  
They were delicious!!
This is the aftermath.

Watching football in a cafe...

Then it was time to go home to regroup a bit - - we had big plans for the night!

This was the only purchase of the day - a new addition to the "Churchill" collection.
Ok - an hour of tea and reading and then it was time to head back out to see fireworks!!
Uh oh…it's raining should we go or stay home?  Go or stay home?  I'll go, if you'll go. You want to stay home?  Wait, I might want to go….
We got there just as it ended.
We all agreed they were the best fireworks we never saw.
Luckily London at night - even in the rain - has plenty to see.

Then we headed to Cubana.

The boys drank jugs of mojto's (each!) while Chris and I shared a jug of cuban Pimms.

Another delicious meal of small plates.  We know some people (Fletch) don't like pictures of food so we are showing you pictures of post meal plates. 

It was a big first day and we were ready for bed - at least I was.  Bill just missed the shot of Earle pulling off my wellies for me.  Home sweet home.  


Unknown said...

Love love love the pictures... What a great time all of you must be having....and it looks cold and
cuddly...just like I like it. Operative word of this post, "Pimms" xxx

Unknown said...

Great day on the Jen and Bill (and Chris and Earle) the pictures, the comments and
personally, I think album cover Bill is way cooler than Timothy D. xx