Monday, November 17, 2014

They Called Him Earle

Last week the girls went out on yet another quiz night so Earle and I took to the naked city for some man time (ok, poor choice of phrasing there...).

The underground sign whizzes by.  Earle is a study in concentration.
 Earle was playing like we were in a noir film.  He held his wallet like a gun and had us posing as if we were starring in The Maltese Falcon.  The fact that London has more CCTV cameras than anywhere in the world didn't deter Earle.  He said he 'blends in plain sight'.
I was sure he was going to get us arrested.

You'll be seeing more of the holiday decor in our future posts.  London looks beautiful all dolled up for Christmas.  

Good God, I'm sure some wannabe copper is looking at the film footage as we speak, matching Earle to the database.  We got an email earlier today that Chris and Earle's flight from Newark to Vermont was cancelled.  Perhaps they are on to him.

I felt I could play in this crime noir game without the fake gun.  I'm the cigar smoking partner who constantly gets mistaken for Earle's boyfriend.

More London holiday prettiness.... and Earle.

Partners in fake crime.

Yup, Earle is definitely on their 'people to watch' list.  Good luck entering London next time, Earle.

We chose here for dinner.  It had our list of prerequisites.  Roast duck hanging in the window and cute Chinese girl.

 We got her to play in our game.  Here is our hostess giving Earle the stink-eye.

After a lovely dinner we went to Molly Moggs for a pint and some live drag entertainment.  Good times for sure.

The night ended the way it had to end.  Earle is down.
Mission completed.

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