Saturday, November 15, 2014

Simpsons on the Strand

As many people already saw on Facebook, our friend Kats from Zurich flew over for a quick visit!!  So fun to have 3 Fabbies together again!!
Our dinner destination:  The iconic Simpsons on the Strand.
Chris had this on her bucket list after her mother talked about going many years ago when she visited in London in 1985.  Chris has waited almost 30 years for this meal so it had better be good!
We arrived a bit early so we went to the bar for a pre dinner cocktail.

If Bill and Earle ever decide to get married, we have their engagement photo right here.
Chris and I went for more of a close up.
Time for dinner.
Simpsons is known for it's chess history. 
Originally opened in 1828 as a chess club and coffee house - The Grand Cigar Divan - Simpson's soon became known as the "home of chess", attracting such chess luminaries as Howard Staunton the first English world chess champion through its doors. 

Simpsons is also well known for it's roasts carved right at your table.  They make quite an art out of it.
It was to avoid disturbing the chess games in progress that the idea of placing large joints of meat on silver-domed trolleys and wheeling them to guests' tables first came into being, a practice Simpson's still continues today. One of the earliest Master Cooks insisted that everything in the restaurant be British and the Simpson's of today remains a proud exponent of the best of British food.

Famous guests include Vincent Van Gogh, Charles Dickens, Sherlock Holmes, George Bernard Shaw, Kats, Chris and Earle.
It's a good thing I wore my cape because I'm not sure I could button my coat after that meal!  
How is it possible that Chris and Earle have been here a week already?!  
We'll be very sad to say good bye.

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