Sunday, November 16, 2014

Three Word Summary: Goodbyes, Woody, Malaysian

And so, the week was over and it was time for Chris and Earle to go home.
 Bill was a little too happy about their departure.
Just kidding!!

"So when are we going out for a Fabbie Fitbit walk?"
 Chris gets one more loop around Kensington and Hyde Park before she goes.

 Chris said her goodbyes to Albert and then we walked her and Earle to the train.
Kats' went to see the matinee of War Horse while Bill and I met up with Mike and Cat for a vintage film….Annie Hall hosted by the Underground Film Club.  (Poor Jules was battling a migraine.  We missed you, Jules!)
 It was the venue that first caught my eye so I booked us for an available Saturday night without realizing that neither Bill, Mike nor Cat had ever seen Annie Hall.  It's not Woody's best in my opinion but it is a classic and should be in any film goer's repertoire.
Anyway, the venue was a place referred to as the Waterloo Vaults - a series of cavernous, windowless archways. First you follow the usher through the multicolored lit hallway...
 Then you enter a bar area where you can buy cocktails and pop corn.
There is the pre-theater lounge area with leather sofas and more funky lights.
And a bizarre deflated rubber boy.   I have no idea what this was about.
 Finally you enter the cinema which is assembled with fairly comfortable old theater seats.  
 There is are no speakers - maybe the sound wouldn't have been good enough in there?  - so everyone wears wireless headsets.
The couple in front of Bill and I made made out the entire time.  Or when they weren't making out the man was incessantly nuzzling the woman's ear and face waiting for her to turn and snog him again.  It was a bit distracting - and sort of strange since they looked old enough to have access to a more appropriate place for such shenanigans. Oh well. Or as Annie would say, "La dee da, la dee da!"
Next stop, the Vic where Jerry and Kats both caught up to us.
 I think it's time for Jerry to invest in a 2 pound pair of readers at Boots.  Although he does look good in mine.
 We ate malaysian.  Not sure how to categorize malaysian food - I couldn't tell you what differentiates it from Chinese or other asian foods - but it was good.  And we were hungry which means I didn't take any pictures once the food arrived.  Fletch will be happy we aren't posting more food photos.
 Early Sunday morning we walked Kats to the Heathrow Express.  Now I'm Fabbie-less.
Safe travels, Chris, Earle and Kats!

1 comment:

Lisa Roberts said...

I have LOVED reading these posts and seeing the pictures of my Fabbies together and of all the amazing meals and sights you have seen. I really wish I was there with you.