Monday, November 3, 2014

...with Liberty and shopping for all

After last nights Halloween-apalooza we were tired today.
Once the morning rain ended we limped out of the house to find a new place for lunch.

Carnaby Street was the destination.  

And we are off to the Christmas races.
 Jen takes artistic photos.

 We found a diner and ate like starving Survivor contestants.
Burgers and onion rings - yum!

We landed in Liberty, the best department store in the UK.

Jen lingered in Christmas shop.  I was falling asleep in a comfy chair waiting for her.

The next Doublemint Twins? Old reference.  Our readers should know it. (No offence intended)

Quick blog quiz:
Which of these celebrities does not have a twin?

Scarlett Johansen
Jake Gyllenhaal
Vin Diesel
Kiefer Sutherland
Giselle Bundchen
Ashton Kutcher

Jake Gyllenhaal

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