Sunday, November 23, 2014

Jr Jen in East London

Cool graffiti, gritty buildings, hipsters abound, market shopping ... we must be back in East London.


This time we are joined by houseguest Christin and her niece, Jen.  We'll call her Junior Jen so as not to confuse her with the star of the blog.

Auntie Christin and Junior Jen hit the big stop in Jr Jen's checklist, Kings Cross Station.  Jr Jen wanted to see Platform 9 3/4.  Harry Potter reference for those of you who are just waking up from a twenty year sleep.  Jr Jen is an adorable Harry Potter nerd.

We realised too late that we could have been posing Jr Jen the whole day.  It was only late in the day that we found about out her acting skills.

Angry Jr Jen. I see a bit of Anne Hathaway in this little ham.
Jr Jen came to London from Paris where she is studying.  She's a young woman who has seen a bit of the world already.  She also studied in Moracco.  She's an International Relations major, she is in love with her college sweetheart and she made a trip to London to see her Auntie Christin.

The girls shopped a bit (Jen shopped, Jr Jen and Christin observed) then we went to the tea rooms on Brick Lane.  One, for tea, as we were all a bit sluggish at this point.  Two, because the tea rooms has vintage shops and I found a marmot I wanted.  I was overruled because Senior Jen thought the marmot looked too much like our beaver.  This is the type of racist 'they all look the same' thinking that has set our country backwards for years.
The marmot is still in my sights.

The girls are in an outdoor sculpture.  At this point we said good night to Jr Jen.  She was in search of a late tour and we were off to Swedish Christmas.

Celebrity Bonus:  Jen Senior here (I'm glad our little friend has moved on so I don't need to go by that name for long!!).  I wandered into the Waterstones at Piccadilly to pee and found myself looking at James Franco.  Not sure I'd call him an author but he did publish a book.  This was the best picture I could get from across the store since they were not letting the rabble anywhere near him.

1 comment:

didi said...

I laughed out loud re: they all look the same comment. :)