Sunday, November 30, 2014

Lisbon Castle Day

While Bill was off golfing, I spent friday wandering around Lisbon.  My plan was to have lunch and see the castle.  Some of the smaller street names were not labeled on my map so I got a little turned around.  I knew the castle was up so I headed up this steep hill...
 At the top I had a lovely view - - of the castle!!  Turned out I scaled the wrong mountain. 
 But the view was too nice to waste.  I had lunch and looked at my destination from afar.
Hmmm…maybe if I'd seen these signs earlier I would have known.  But getting lost is half the fun, right?
 This way to the castle.
 This castle was perfect for my mood. Basically it was just walls, trees and views.  I wasn't up of lots of fussy interiors.  I also wasn't in the mood to learn anything so I didn't even take the pamphlet at the ticket counter.  I can't tell you anything about the history of this castle, who lived here, what happened or why.  I just wanted to be there.

When you first enter the grounds there is a wonderful courtyard that overlooks the water.  There were really awesome trees throughout - - I took a million shots of them thinking of Whitney but I will only post a few of them here. 

 The castle was just a maze of stone staircases, archways and turrets.  There were different levels of walkways - some of which had very low walls and tested my feelings about heights.

Beautiful views of Lisbon.

 Time to head back down the hill to the hotel.
 I had hours to relax before dinner since they don't even think about eating here until 9pm.  Bill was sound asleep after his big day of golf so I had a pot of tea and cookies in our little sitting room with my book and a blanket. I might have napped a little myself.  All Friday afternoons should end like this.


didi said...

I wish we had castles in the US!

Whitney said...

Love it! Thanks for the photos of the romantically windblown trees!!! I've been reding the blog religiously lately but my introvert nature keeps me fro posting unless called on! XO W