Tuesday, November 11, 2014

If all Mondays were this good, we'd wish the weekends would go faster!!

Up before dawn.  For a few brief moments I regretted booking us at the Duck and Waffle on the 40th floor for a sunrise breakfast.  Then we got there and saw the view.  No regrets.
The table next to us was having a great time.  They called out Good Morning to us as soon as we came in.  So we all started chatting.  Where are you from?  Boston.  "Uh Oh - they are Tom Brady fans," they said.  They were from Dallas.  "Were you here to see the Cowboys game this weekend?" I asked.
"We played in it!"
They were in a very good mood after their win against Jacksonville on Sunday and insisted we have a round of mimosas on them.

You can't eat at a place called Duck and Waffle and not order the Duck and Waffle.  Fried duck egg on top of a confit leg of duck on top of a waffle with honey maple syrup.  
The post-sunrise view.

After breakfast we walked to see the poppies.  The moat is completely full now.  They will be taken away this week and sent to all the people who bought one for charity.  This seems like one of those things where I'd be happy to give money to the charity but once the poppy arrived I wouldn't know what to do with it.  Anyway, the look of the finished project was very effective.

After poppies, Chris and Earle went sightseeing while I went to work.  They will have to write their own blog to see what they did.  I won't bore you with a picture of my laptop on the kitchen table.
I did skip out early though to meet Chris for Afternoon Tea and the St Ermin's hotel.  We chose this hotel because they have their own bees on the third floor making all the honey they use in the hotel.  Strangely, I don't think anything we ate actually had honey in it. 
This is the timer they give you so you can steep the tea at the strength that you like it.
Finger sandwiches, scones, and four different desserts.  Delicious. 
Earle met us after tea and we walked to through St James Park to Waterstones on Piccadilly.
…to see DAVID MITCHELL!!  We were very excited.  We had front row seats and it was as wonderful seeing him this time as it was a few months ago. 
This was the Waterstones where a tourist was recently locked in over night.  We were hoping that might happen to us…and if David happened to be locked in as well, so be it.  I would make him read to us all night.
 I should add that we went to great dinner after at a Peruvian ceviche restaurant  but we didn't take any pictures so I'm going to leave you with our happy face at Waterstones.
Really, does a Monday get any better than this? 


Team Strunkin said...

just to be clear - those are Dallas Cowboys players????

Unknown said...

I love the life and the love you two have. The pictures say it all! xxn