Friday, November 14, 2014

Cambridge with Chris and Earle Part 1

I have so many pictures from our 24 hours in Cambridge that I need to break it into two pieces.  
Not surprisingly we spent a lot of time in bookstores. 

 Chris and I loved wandering around the stacks of books.
 We lunched at The Eagle pub.  This is the place where Francis Crick interrupted lunchers on February 28, 1953 to announce that he and James Watson discovered "the secret of life"  - - DNA!  No one announced any discoveries while we were there.
 We did discover selfies.

Even in a town of scholars there is always room for cheesy souvenirs - anyone looking for a jelly bean portrait of William and Kate?
 I love the old school buildings.  This could be a shot from any year, couldn't it?

 Happy Vacationers.

 One thing we did not do was go punting.  We missed our opportunity to have Earle ferry us on the river like a gondolier.  
We ended the day at Evensong - Earle sat on the one cushy seat in the church only to find out it was reserved for the clergy.  Rather than lead us in prayer, Earle moved his ass over to the cold hard bench to listen to the music with the rest of the rabble.

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