Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Gyngleboy, Gyngleboy, Gyngleboy Quiz

I had another extra quiz night tonight at the Gyngleboy pub.  As opposed to the "swap your papers" method at the Victoria, The Gyngleboy uses the "turn in the answer sheet"method of scoring so I don't have any of the quiz questions and answers so I'll do my best to remember a few.  Needless to say I was rubbish.
Bill worked late so he couldn't join us but I was an honorary Orchestra with Jerry, Jules, Kat and Mike.

I didn't even think to take out the camera until the picture round.  Name the breed! Christin??
Kat knows her dogs.
Our dog answers.  We got 9 out of 10 (we missed #7 - Siberian Husky).
Our quiz master was Nelli.  Across the room were my Bathurst Mews pals.  Their team name was The Archers which I assumed was for the radio drama but it's origin was actually the old pub they used to quiz in called The Archery.
Mike turned out to be a geography savant - whipping up names like Borneo without a moment's hesitation.

Quiz Questions (as best I can recall…)
Lima is in what country?
As a child actress, who starred in Pollyanna and The Parent Trap?
What does the Chinese word "chow" mean?
In The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, what is answer to life, the universe and everything?
How many islands are there in the Seychelles?
What band recorded the soundtrack to the 1986 film Highlander?
What is the oldest tube line?
Where is the ocean of storms?
Quiz Answers:
Lima is in what country?  Peru
As a child actress, who starred in Pollyanna and The Parent Trap?  Haley Mills (every quiz there is one answer that I contribute - this was it.  It's usually about something mindless like movies, TV, etc.  Everyone else knows REAL things, I know crap.)
What does the Chinese word "chow" mean?  Food
In The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, what is answer to life, the universe and everything?  42
How many islands are there in the Seychelles? 115
What band recorded the soundtrack to the 1986 film Highlander?  Queen
What is the oldest tube line?  The Metropolitan
Where is the ocean of storms?  The moon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think that is a basenji --- malamute or husky - possibly akita! Do you remember? I want to go to that quiz night!!!