Monday, October 13, 2014

You know you are in Atlanta when ....

I'm in Atlanta at a Sales Conference.
Re-entry into the U.S. from bucolic England should not be via Atlanta.  I've become a well documented Anglophile.  My love for my country of origin is a little tarnished after these past two years in England.  It's more tarnished after just one day in Atlanta.

I don't know under what circumstances I'd end up eating in a Waffle House.

HardRock Cafe sign.
Hooters, however.... I almost when in.  They were playing the Patriots game on one of their 800 televisions.  But I refrained.  I got a tea at Starbucks and watched at the hotel bar.
(Pats rolled.  They are back)

Here is your Atlanta quiz.  Who is this a statue of?

Front pic for more of a clue.

 That is politician, activist and pastor Andrew Young.  He was a pastor during the civil rights marches in the 60's, he became Atlanta's Mayor and later was Governor of Georgia and US Ambassador to the U.N.  It's a bit sad that I was looking at his Wikipedia page for controversy.  He had a pretty unblemished career.
Apart for his short stint as US Ambassador to Walmart.  (I didn't know that was an elected office)
Until he made the following comments about Mom and Pop grocery stores:

"Those are the people who have been overcharging us -- selling us stale bread and bad meat and wilted vegetables," he told the Los Angeles Sentinel, an African American weekly. "First it was Jews, then it was Koreans and now it's Arabs," he added. "Very few black folks own these stores."

 He quickly resigned from his post.

Graham told me not to post this picture.

 UK buddy Ben.  He was recently served an eviction notice because he installed astro turf on the deck of his flat.  He happily took his turf to a new flat, as he was leaving anyway.

Tim and Graham.  I shouldn't have posted this one.  Graham looks good.
** Note from Jen:  Where is Fletch??  We want Fletch! We want Fletch!

1 comment:

didi said...

It is Fletch's mission to make Bill eat at a Waffle House!