Saturday, October 11, 2014

Scenes from London

Bill left about a half hour ago - headed to Heathrow and then on to Atlanta for his company sales sick off meeting.  I meant to take a picture of him for the blog as he was leaving but he misplaced his Fitbit and pandemonium ensued.  We're hoping it is packed in his bag and registering steps as it's carelessly thrown around by baggage handlers.

So while Bill is in the states - here are some of the London sights he will be missing. 

A guy carries his accordion around town.

Working shirtless in an office building.

Stable girls shovelling horse poo on the streets

Concert in Hyde Park

Crew team doing pushups in the rain

Big haired gentlemen having lunch in the Gerkin

'Where's Waldo' group in London

English Gent in Shoreditch.


Fletch said...

Don't worry, I will be taking good care of Bill...

Fletch said...

PS We call it a "kick off" meeting as opposed to a "sick off" meeting, however either term could probably apply based on the quantity of alchol and cigars that are consumed...