Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Room Below

A few notes on today's post…
First, I'm sorry to say that I had to work late last night and could not go to the quiz.  I hate missing my favorite night of the week.  I don't even know how Jerry and Jules did but I'm sure they were better off without me.
Second, I'm having technological difficulties getting pictures from my phone to the blog.  When I get that sorted you will see what I did on Monday night.
Meanwhile, this is what has been going on next door.

Our neighbor Robert is adding a basement level to his flat.
This is the way they expand in London.  They can't go up or across so they go down.
This project has been going on for a few weeks and it looks like it will continue for quite a while. 
This is an action shot of someone throwing a piece of concrete into the skiff from inside the garage.
First they jackhammered and moved out the first layer by hand.
Then they brought in the conveyor belt.  They drill and put the rubble on the belt to bring it up from under the house.
The door on the left is our front door.  So they are digging down - and over to the property line against our house.
 It would all be fascinating - if it wasn't so @%$;# loud!!!  Most days I have been able to tune it out but today was rough as they get closer to us.  I suppose I could go to the office to work but I really don't want to be driven out of my house if I don't have to since I like wearing sweat pants and doing laundry during the day.

Hard to see down the hole but it goes pretty deep.
 So let this be a warning to anyone coming to visit us over the next few months.  Bring earplugs.  Monday thru Friday no one sleeps in on the mews.  
The drilling starts at 8 AM sharp!!
This is the latest addition - a wall blocking the ugly pile of sandbags for us.  They put this up Saturday morning and while I was happy to get it esthetically, I wasn't best pleased with the hammering on my lovely weekend morning. But it does improve the view for us a bit.

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