Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Saucy Orchestras Tie for Third (but have more fun than anyone!)

We had a crazy cast of characters at the pub for quiz night last night.
Special Guest Pam made a reappearance after being off the blog for a year.  Pam was in England for work and took the train from the suburbs to join us.
As usual when we arrived there were no seats.  I instantly get stressed about this and start strategically maneuvering over to tables I think are about to free up.  Two gentlemen offer us their table - George and Paul.  Then we lured them into the quiz.
Paul even tried on Bill's glasses.  It was unanimous that these were a good look for him.
No Jerry tonight but we did get Jules and Ann Maria (fresh from her last day in her office job!)
In honor of AM's focus on her acting craft we did quite a bit of role playing.
Bill started by making us put our hair in our faces and act nuts.

Bill didn't have any of his own hair so he borrowed AM's
Act psycho!!!  (Bill says I'm over acting here??  Me??)
Look as if you are seeing something amazing in the sky:
Do the UK FU:
At some point we made some new gentleman friends and they got into the act.

Angry?  Hmmm…I'm not sure this guy was part of the role play.
Want to hear the quiz questions?  Because even with all of this award winning acting we were able to tie for third in the quiz!
Demi Moore posed naked and pregnant on the cover of which magazine?
What is the first name of the 12th US President?
In the Bible, who was the first to die?
What word links these three?  New York, Italian Cheese, an animal from the bovine family?
What Royal residence has the post code PE35 6EH?
What is the US equivalent of the UK's action man?
What is the name of the bully on the Simpsons?
Which alphabet has more letters - Greek or Hebrew?
Who played these characters on Fawlty Towers:
Basil Fawlty?
Sybil Fawlty?
Polly Sherman?
Major Gowen?
Next on the late night agenda - Chris gave the ok for AM to pull a pint.  This is a skill she is going to need because tomorrow is her first day over at a pub near Spitalfields.  In fact, she'll be at the pub where we first drank with her on the night we met.
Ellen was her trainer.

This beauty was the end result!
I'm pretty sure this wasn't a role play shot.  Just me flailing and others watching...
What night out would be complete without a little arm wrestling?
Or scarf swapping?

More pass the glasses….

Ready for answers?
Demi Moore posed naked and pregnant on the cover of which magazine?  Vanity Fair
What is the first name of the 12th US President? Zachary
In the Bible, who was the first to die? Abel
What word links these three?  New York, Italian Cheese, an animal from the bovine family? Buffalo
What Royal residence has the post code PE35 6EH? Sandringham
What is the US equivalent of the UK's action man?  GI Joe
What is the name of the bully on the Simpsons?  Nelson
Which alphabet has more letters - Greek or Hebrew?  Greek
Who played these characters on Fawlty Towers:
Basil Fawlty? John Cleese
Sybil Fawlty?  Prunella Scales
Polly Sherman?  Connie Booth
Manuel?  Andrew Sachs
Major Gowen?  Ballard Berkeley
I didn't catch all the final scores but I suspect we MIGHT have won if we hadn't gotten 2 wrong in the wipe out round.  We took it well….

 After losing in the pub we took our luck to the streets for a little game of dice.

Come on 7!  Jennie needs a new pair of shoes!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great job, Mr. Photographer, in capturing the crazy cast of characters having fun on quiz night! And, nicely done, Ms. Jen, on the commentary. And, congratulations on coming in 3rd!!