Monday, October 27, 2014

Crazy Sunday Homies

We turned our clocks back in the wee hours this weekend.  Nice to get an extra hour of sleep  after our Saturday night out.
Sandy went sightseeing so Bill and I finally got our act together for lunch at our favorite Mexican spot Crazy Homies.
Mr. Dibley loves a mexican cocktail and a taco salad.
Bill enjoys all the art work.
Bill was the best dressed homie.
We stuffed ourselves.  Then hit the road to Portobello.

Name the famous faces!
What do they all have in common?
Love this sign on a tattoo parlor window.
What is it about black and white that makes photos look more interesting and professional?

Love this shot of Bill - he actually looks sort of dangerous!!  
Don't mess with my smokin' homie.

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