Saturday, October 18, 2014

Bill's Atlanta Adventure Continues...

Dinner with the team was many laughs.  We went to a kitsch Italian restaurant where they gave everyone hats, a smoke machine billowed random clouds and the owner is an old Italian guy who thinks he is Rodney Dangerfield.  It's all grade A cheesy, but it works.

Melanda was a good sport.  We made fun of her when she went from showing pictures of her kid to pictures of her neighbours kids.  She wasn't going to stop.  It was a funny call back later in the night when we chanted for her to show us more pictures of her neighbours kids.

Rakesh and Samit.  Samit definitely had the worst hat.

Then again..... Peter is not a royal, obviously.  He makes Charles look stately.

I had a big week for getting hugs and kisses.

 I am looking great in my sombrero.  Rakesh pulls of the rare 'mouth photobomb'

Can I see pictures of your neighbours kids again?

Peter has gas. (I know I over use that one, but it makes me smile every time)

Katia telling a story ...

Picture was blurry, but I still love it.  Jo joined the boys for a midnight smoke.
Great night.  More fun than work should be.

1 comment:

didi said...

Looks like you are falling in love again with your country of origin...but where is Peter's cat?