Thursday, October 16, 2014

Cafe Diana

So this morning I am in a  mad dash to get out the door and on to the train to Edinburgh!  That means that over the next few days I'll post more pictures of the castle and the kirkyard that you've all seen a million times before.

I am surprised that I haven't blogged about this place.  On the main road between our house and Notting Hill, opposite Kensington Palace,  we regularly pass this cafe dedicated to Princess Diana.
I've never been in but the walls are covered in framed photos of Diana while the outside boasts this collage.  Does it make you want to go there or is it creepy?  My vote is creepy.

Checking out reviews on line I see that most other people vote for creepy too.  And yet, it does tend to be busy and looks like it's here to stay.  One reviewer talked about sitting next to the owner and hearing stories about how Diana used to bring the boys in here on their way to school around the corner.  I can only assume that at the point it was not actually called Cafe Diana, nor did it have her image everywhere or that would have been super creepy.  
Supposedly they make a good falafel.

1 comment:

didi said...

I love Diana but this is creepy. I guarantee William and Harry don't go anywhere near this place now!