Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Saturday Ramblings

Fall in Hyde Park.  It doesn't actually look very autumnal, does it?  There is just that one little reddish tree off to the left.
 With Bill in Atlanta I need to entertain myself.  So I strolled into the park with my book.
 And went to the cafe that Bill doesn't like.  I don't really understand what he has against it other than it can get really crowded.  But late on a crisp fall morning, it wasn't so bad.
 Oh yeah…there are swans!
 I got my tea and settled in at a little table overlooking the water.

Of course, it's hard to blog about reading a book with a cup of tea in a London park - - it's a wonderful experience and I enjoyed every minute but it doesn't really make for interesting blogging.  Well, I say that and then I go back and look at what we used to post a few years ago (I think I can sum it up in two words:  Sink Series) and I realize that this post is pretty good after all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

But Jen, turn the book over...what are you reading in the gorgeous setting..
ps..are you taking a youth drug? xx