Thursday, October 9, 2014

Friday Night Pub and Walk

I love a good pub.  It needs to have dark wood, low lights, leather chairs.  Hopefully a good menu as well.
Bill met me for dinner at The Antelope after my David Nicholls event last Friday.  
We did our usual pub routine - I grabbed a good table and he went to the bar to get our drinks.

Dark wood - check!
Low lights - check!
Leather chairs - check!
Old couple snogging in background - check!
No, I don't mean me and Bill -- this couple was talking one minute, making out the next!
This was on the wall above my head to keep the Antelope theme going…but it looks like the horns are in undies.  I called this the Pantalope.
I have no idea what is going on in this photo but I'm including it anyway. I love lamp.
On our walk home took us through a very posh shopping area of London so Bill took some shots of the store windows….
Bill loves sugary cereal but there is a limited selection so he has a bowl Frosties every day. (See prior birthday post.)
I wonder if this expensive designer also has a bowl every morning to inspire their latest bag?  This is worth 1300 GBPs.
I don't remember what store this squirrelwas in. Or why.  Or what it was selling.
Does this really make rich people want to spend money?  Seeing a mannequin carrying a bloody dead skunk surrounded by orange bats?  Is that actually supposed to be a purse?  
I did like these shoes though.  
I'm sure they are crazy money but I think I'd look cute and aren't I worth it? 
Too bad I have no idea what store they were in.

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