Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Update from APAC

Sam and his new girlfriend.  Sam, despite the poor choice of hats, always seems to have a date.
They must be attracted to him being in Human Resources.  From my experience, women find HR very attractive.

This is Sam's son, Li Sihan.  No nickname.
He's very cute.
Sam has potential to be included in the big-face/small-face rankings.  He clearly likes a pose.
We leave Shanghai and move on to Bangalore.
Rakesh likes to take scary selfies.  Despite being one of the nicest guys I know he never takes a picture smiling.

Newlyweds, Madhuleena and Rakesh.
Sittin' in a tree ... K ... I ... S... S ....I ...N ...G 
First comes love, then comes marriage,
then comes baby in a baby carriage.
That's the stupidest kid song.  I Googled it.  Apparently there are two more verses you can add.
That's not it!
That's not all!
The baby's drinking alcohol!
sucking his thumb,
peeing his pants,
doing the hokey-pokey dance!
I bet Mother Entwistle's generation thought those last two were a hoot.
Anyway, good thing Maddie smiles in pictures.  Rakesh doesn't know how.
I couldn't tell what this picture was when he sent it.  I thought Rakesh had swallowed plutonium.
It is actually Rakesh hugging his dog.  The flash off his eye created this creepy look.
Quiz questions:  Name which country these meals come from.  The boys send me pics of their food for some reason.  India or China?

1. India  2. China 3. China

1 comment:

Mom said...

I've never heard of those two additional verses.