Sunday, October 12, 2014

Spa Treatments

I'm addicted to spa treatments.  Mani, pedi, massage, etc. All it took was finding my go to spa in Holland Park (Cowshed).  
I love the calming atmosphere, the comfy chairs, and the little pot of tea they bring you when you arrive.  The pedicurist doesn't feel compelled to talk to you they way they do in Newburyport.  They get you settled in the chair with a giant pillow on your lap to hold your book (more comfortable than it sounds), put your tea on the table next to you, and work their magic.
And who doesn't like to be pampered?  The manicure and pedicure includes plenty of hand and foot massage and an expert paint job. 
I was so excited to find out that I could get an eyelash tint.
Jeff and I used to go get our eyelashes done many years ago back in the Belmont days.  My lashes have absolutely no pigmentation and my eyes naturally look like little tiny dots in my head. So to go out in public without mascara is unthinkable (other than exercising which is a license to look like crap as long as you have the spandex and trainers on.) 
Then all of a sudden I could not find a salon at home that would do the lash dye. Well, I finally googled it - turns out that a Massachusetts woman in 1999 suffered severe eye burns from the dye that was used.  It contained coal and tar and was labelled unsafe for eyes but they used it anyway and now she is permanently damaged.  I found a web page on the Mass Gov Consumer Affairs site saying that any cosmetologist that markets or uses dyes for eyelash tinting will be prosecuted.  Looks like I'm going to have to cross the border to get my fix when I get home.

Ok, it's a little hard to tell in these pics but trust me, it's better!  When I get out of bed in the morning I have messy hair and bad breath just like everyone else but my eyes are ready to go!!


didi said...

Love a spa day!!!

Unknown said...

Love this post, love the pix, love