Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Last Dinner with Fifi - Let's not wait until we are 83 for the next one!

We met Fiona for dinner - this will be the last one before she heads back to Afghanistan.  It's been so fun to have her in town and to spend so much time with her after a 35 year drought.  
She was staying at the Sherlock Holmes.  I thought it would be cheesier looking based on the name but it actually seemed quite nice.
It had a wide range of clientele.  When this person walked in Fiona and I were convinced it was a man. Wouldn't a woman realize that hat was for a spring day at Ascot, not for a rainy October night in the city??
Bill set us straight and explained she was a prostitute.  I didn't ask for his credentials on this but figured I would just accept his answer and move on.

Making sure we know the way to the restaurant….
Clowning with breadsticks.
This was not one of my finer photos but I love the look on Fi's face too much to not post it.  That woman has some intense looks!!
Our farewell photo shoot.  First a nice one...
Then death by umbrella and 35 years of pent up hostility.
Why wear a hat if you aren't going to toss it in the air a la Mary Tyler Moore?
I'm going to make it after all!!

1 comment:

Lisa Roberts said...

I love your Mary Tyler Moore scene.