Monday, October 6, 2014

Happy Birthday, Bill!

What do you buy for the London man about town who has everything?  
Sugary cereals from America.
You can't get these in the usual supermarkets here - you have to go to an ugly place called The American Store where they also sell pop tarts and Betty Crocker cake mixes.
These two cereals cost approximately $20 US (just so you understand why Bill isn't eating these regularly.)
Then it was off to China Town for lunch.
 With Mr Dibley, of course.
 Then a little shopping! (I know it's Bill's birthday and not mine but since he was carrying the camera all the pictures are of me.)
 Here I am again - we're on our way to dinner and a movie to see Gone Girl.
 Finally!  Here is the birthday boy.  Looking sharp as always.  Wearing his new All Stars that he bought today.
 On our way to the cinema there was a woman singing in the street.  We got there just as she said it was her last chance and therefore the last chance to dance with Sophie.  Sophie was this older woman who was very game for a jig.  We watched the last dance to the some of "What's Going On?"

Dinner at the Electric Dinner.  Another American favorite for Bill - Hot Dog!!
Then it's off to the best cinema in town.  I booked in advance to make sure we got in to the Electric - comfy chairs, footstools, a bar, cashmere blanket.  Unfortunately it was too upscale for popcorn.  Bill was not happy to miss out on popcorn so he got a bourbon to drown his unhappiness.
 I settled in with tea and salted caramel ice cream.
Other people settled in as well - a little too much!!!  The woman on the other side of me fell asleep and miss about 2/3s of the film. She was breathing heavily but not enough to disturb me.  Someone else fell asleep up front and started snoring which meant an usher had to come and wake him up.  Those around him applauded when he came to.  That must be disorienting - to wake up in  theater with people applauding you.
This woman must have missed the whole movie.  That would be the problem with buying the bed seats for a 9pm film.  We were coming out of the bathroom as her partner was waking her up.  
Two thumbs (Jen and Bill) and one stubby arm (Mr. Dibley) up for Gone Girl.  

1 comment:

didi said...

Happy Birthday Bill!