Thursday, October 2, 2014

Random Shots from Camden Market

Camden Market is always a fun little wander around - it is chockablock full of stalls and a maze of merchandise - most of it is someone cheap and mass produced in a way that makes it look home made.  But it's great people watching and it's a nice little day out.

 They recently unveiled this Amy Winehouse statue in the middle of the market.

 I can't be the first person to say that she looks prettier as a statue than in person, can I?  Is that wrong to say?  
 As for funny little statues…these are actually some sort of cardboard cut outs on the side of the canal.  What do you suppose is going on here??
 The Brits love a good sandwich board.

1 comment:

Kats said...

Amy Winehouse was from Camden and lived there all her life, I think. Her father was a local cabbie. I agree that she looks better as a statue, certainly healthier, ha.

I love the black board outside The Engineer. That was one of the pubs we used to go for Sunday lunch, almost on our door step. Notwithstanding the crowds of tourists and dope heads, I really miss our lives in Camden. :-(