Thursday, February 28, 2013

Bye for Now, Mike!

We said goodbye to Mike last night.  He's promised to come back and bring Kim with him next time.  If this were a TV show there would be sappy music and a montage of pictures of our time together - so strike up the Barry Manilow and check out our weekend shots....
"I remember all my life 
raining down as cold as ice
showdows of a man
a face through a window
crying in the night
the night turns into
morning, just another day...."

We even met a friend of Mike's from his time in Sierra Leone - Bhavesh lives in London and met us for dinner on Sunday night (I know - Sunday again...I'm catching up!)  The place was actually pretty nice but for some reason there was a fan positioned right at our table in the middle of February.  It wasn't on, but wouldn't you think they'd put those away until June?
As you can see, by the time Mike left he was no longer a Colorado bumpkin but a worldly Brit with with a jaunty cap!  Cheers, mate!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

This is what being in England is all about

I think the ecstatic look on my face in this first picture really says it all.  Sunday we were wandering around London looking for a pub for lunch when we saw a line of people in period garb and giant bibs waiting in line at a food truck.  Have you already guessed?  DOWNTON ABBEY was filming!!!!!
Now before you get over the top excited I have to add that we did not see any stars, only extras.  But I was still thrilled to be so close to the Downton action.

Bill wanted to give up the pub and just get in line for grub but I was pretty sure they didn't wear mustard pants and wool hats with ear flaps on Downton.  I did say: "Thank you for filming Downton Abbey - we love it!" to the people in line.  I noticed that they did get rather enormous plates of food so maybe we should have gotten in line after all.

They were all eating inside buses.  It was like being at a human zoo - gawking at Downton extras eating in their natural habitat.  It all really made my day and I'm still giddy about it.  I will definitely be on the look out next season for a London scene with a lot of extras and know that I was there for lunch.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Who are these handsome strangers?!!

The boys had their FIRST EVER haircut last week!!   
They look so handsome but so different from the little boys we left behind. 
Wyatte looks old enough to vote now, while Malikai still has those baby face cheeks.  They were very excited to show off their new looks via FaceTime on Sunday.  

We were saying how the difference in their looks reminds us of the difference between Bret and Joey growing up, Bret being Wyatte and Joey, Malikai.   So Bill snuck this photo in as a comparison to Bret and Joey.  This is Halloween around '96 or '97.  Joey is probably the same age as Malikai.  While these sailor outfits are pretty impressive, Bill was the real star of the show as a battle ship!!  We need to get THAT picture on line....
 As a reminder of how long their hair was prior to last week, here is a recent picture of the boys rock climbing.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sight Seeing

We had another great day with Mike on Sunday.  First stop Westminster to see Parliament, Big Ben, and Westminster Abbey.  I love the Parliament area and all the little crowns on the lamp posts and fences.

Because it was Sunday we couldn't go into the Abbey with services in session but it's very impressive from the outside.  In case you're wondering, this is where Kate and William were married.  Look familiar?  I'm surprised that Bill and I have never been to Westminster Abbey until now but we definitely need to get back when we can explore inside.
 I actually had a much more exciting post planned but Bill has run off to the office and the photos I thought were downloaded from his phone were not in Blogger. So tune in tomorrow....

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mike Comes to Town

Colorado Mike arrived yesterday - well rested after sleeping on the plane and ready for action.   We took him all around WIndsor and Eton and lunch at the Two Brewers.  Then he and Bill had a little snuggle on the couch. Who says bromance is dead?

Since we were taking him to all our local favorites we hit The Drury House for dinner.

Our friend, Steven, joined us at the end of dinner.  He was celebrating England's beating of France in Rugby.  Despite having a few pints in him, Steve was able to give us a history lesson on  not only England-France relations, but also Sparta and Persia's battles in Greece. 
We went for a lovely Drury House meal and got a history lesson as a bonus. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

OSCAR weekend

It's Oscar weekend and we in the Entwistle-MacKay household have a vested interest in the outcome.  Our own Jennie is up for an Oscar for her role in "Jengo Unchained".  Jennie plays a mild manner librarian who goes off when she finds out her English Breakfast tea is being made with sub-par leaf.
Jennie's critics would say that this wasn't acting at all and doesn't deserve an award.  We say just because there is a little method acting in her performance, doesn't mean she isn't brilliant.
Buy the DVD when it comes out.  There is a fun outtake where Jennie accidentally cuts off the thumb of a shopkeep with a machete.
Wish us luck on Sunday!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Potpourri Post

My new favorite sitcom is "Miranda".  We don't have Miranda Hart in the US - not sure why she hasn't made her way across the pond.  Although she did sneak over in the "Call The Midwife" series as Chummy.  Her sitcom is very different - completely silly, pratfalls, lots of repeated jokes, lots of looking at the camera and breaking that 4th wall... The first time we watched it Bill and I were sort of confused how this was such a huge show here.  But there were also actual belly laughs and by the end of the first half hour I was hooked and bought the box set of the first two seasons. I was going to  add a few quotes but they just don't work as well in print. One of my favorites was when she was trying to cancel a gym membership and threatened to sh*t all over their towels.  Hmm...I may have just figured out why this isn't in the US.
Sadly, I've already watched them all.  As Miranda's mother would say, "Such fun!"

We had a few other odds & ends photos that never made it to the blog to I thought we could post a few random pix....

 This is the stupid little biscuit we get with our tea at the train station.  The cup comes with a complimentary "cape".

Don't you want a pair of eyelashes for your car?

I debated adding this one because I'm not trying to rub it in when I know the US is due for more snow. But hang on - there's still hope!  It's cold and grey here now but there are already hints of spring.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Dear Sausage.....

Dear Sausage,

     I am playing in a polo match with Prince William next month.  He's in on the opposing team and the game is a championship match with the winner getting the prestigious Sausage Cup.  My game is an aggressive one, filled with bumps and borderline cheating.  But my team needs me to be the polo goon to win.
     If the opportunity arises, and it will, should I take a run at Willy and risk world scorn in the name of the Sausage Cup?

Goon of the Eton Polo Team
Dear Goon,
My motto is always "Run at the Willy!" so you must realize that the odds with me are stacked in your favor (or favour as we say in the Empire).  But enough about you, let's talk about me.  I'm not going to my eponymous cup to watch a bunch of namby-pambies kowtow to Mr. Fancy Pants.  I'm looking for action and entertainment.  If not for the team, do it for me.

Sausage xx

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Revenge of the Windsor Nerds

This afternoon I made my way out of the house for the first time in two days.
Jen and I caught food poisoning, a first for both of us.  This adventure keeps on giving.
I won't go into detail about the intimacy we had with our toilet Sunday and Monday, but let me just say it was spectacular.
So I ventured out for a haircut to get some fresh air.  I reluctantly returned to old man Antonio, in Windsor.  I say reluctantly because the last time I went we tried to converse but he doesn't speak English.  The only word I understood was when he touched my bald spot and said that I need a toupee.  

While waiting for my haircut I stood outside and watched the goings on in the local gaming store.  It's one of those fantasy game places.  I watched with fascination as men in their twenties stood around with their Star Wars fighter jets, measuring where to place them for the pretend battle that would never happen.  
I'm all for hobbies but it's Tuesday.  At 2:00 in the afternoon.  Shouldn't these nerds be working?  I was in full-judging-mode when I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection in the glass.  Fifty one year old guy wearing a pink ski cap smoking a cigar lurking outside the gaming store.
I'm sure the nerds were having the last laugh.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Ladies who lunch (with Bill) in London

Caroline and Geraldine are vacationing in London this week so we met them at Paddington station and walked to Marble Arch for a little lunch.    On the way we stopped to pose with the horse head - a 35 ft bronze statue. I started to google it to find out the significance of the horse head but I lost interest before I could find anything.  I just like how it looks.  
 After lunch we walked over the Marylebone High Street so I could introduce them to Daunt Books.  C, G and I used to be in a bookclub many years ago (now we are summer brunch buddies at Stephanie's on Newbury Street) so I knew they would appreciate the esthetic of Daunt.  Bill stood outside with his cigar and took a few pictures.

The next thing I know, he's suggesting the cigar bar and they are all for it!  The girls didn't smoke (although we got plenty second hand) but we felt very posh surrounded by stogies.  I didn't realize that Bill's cigar bars are all really outside terrace spaces that have been mostly enclosed to make them feel like an interior space.  There were heat lamps to make sure we were comfortable and servers catering to our needs, bringing drinks and lighting Bill's cuban.  Maybe I'll be hanging with Bill in more cigar bars in the future.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Take the Pee out of Paradise!

 Walked from Paddington to Notting Hill this morning.  I was drawn to a little locked garden - like the one Hugh and Julia climb into in the movie.  Some day I need to live on a city square with my own key to an enclosed paradise.  There was a little rain on my parade by the sign posted here.
 Notting Hill is such a great way to spend Saturday which is why we keep coming back.  I love the energy of the crowds, the street performers, the food, and the shopping.  Although it's more like browsing because everything is just so much fun to look at.  I'm partial to the antiques but Bill loves the vintage clothing end.  He's the best dressed audience member for this street band. (I like this guitarist's blue coat/purple scarf combo - - would look good on Bill, no?)
 To make the browsing more interesting we devised a contest to see who could buy something and then get the best photo with the seller.  The contest was going to be judged by you, our faithful readers, but Bill didn't buy anything and I won by default.  I think he was scared as soon as he saw this awesome pic!!  Vote against this nice old gentleman??  Never!!!  (I bought a Winston Churchill toby jug - I love love love it and look behind him - so many more to collect!)
This one's for you, Chi!!  Big dog meets little dog outside the Pet Boutique (combo pet grooming and cafe). 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Frampton Comes Alive ..... for a little while, at least

Last night we had dinner at the Horse and Groom.  I accidentally keep calling it the Horse and Hound, which is the magazine that Will Thacker (Hugh Grant) pretends he works for when interviewing Anna Scott (Julia Roberts).  So I know a few details from a charming rom-com.  Don't judge me, Fletch.

One of our topics last night was which career you'd rather have; Peter Frampton or John Cougar Mellencamp.  Frampton was king of the rock world for 15 minutes.  And then it was gone.  Mellencamp has been mediocre for three decades, but he's been semi relevant for all that time.  We both chose Frampton.
Hammy-Dave will be pleased.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day 2013

Bill and I don't tend to celebrate Valentine's Day but he did surprise me with a special treat - the fixin's for my favorite dessert waffle!!  I've posted before on the joys of the waffle (I would have to take a lot of time to find the post of my 5 favorite waffle experiences....a good blogger would link to that but I don't remember when it was.)  The first and favorite time was actually here in Windsor many years ago when we were here on holiday.  I even know where I was sitting (it's now Cafe Rouge by the train station.)  But I digress....

So what are the fixin's for my favorite waffle?  Belgian waffles (not breakfast waffles - more sugary and therefore more sturdy and crispy), strawberries and whipped cream.  This can of whip cream is especially timely since it looks like the Pope with his swirly cap.  Don't quit on me now Anchor Whipped Cream man!!
This is my concoction.  It's sort of a mess but I like it to be a little deconstructed so the waffle doesn't get too soggy.  I scarfed it down during a scene and a half of House of Cards.  Frank Underwood barely had time to double cross his nemesis before my plate was clean.
Here is the obligatory "couple in love" photo with matching sweaters and glasses.    We look like the kind of couple that sings harmony on show tunes during car trips (we don't).