Thursday, September 6, 2012

Every Night is Girls Night Out for Jen

The bright side to this long wait for a work permit is that I get to extend my "Goodbye Tour".  Another night out with Stacey and Di in Arlington.  I love that we never run out of things to talk about.  Tonight's conversation could have been filmed as a public service announcement for mammograms.  Dear reader - have you had your 2012 mammogram?  I have! 
On a side note, I feel I must share this link sent in by NPPS cohort, Denise.  Perhaps you've already heard about the controversial Bic For Her - a pen designed for the slender hands of women?  If not, enjoy these customer comments on - a real hoot!


Jen and Bill said...

Great picture of you two. Who took it ?

didi said...

Stacey took the photo. Lots of laughs as usual!