Monday, September 10, 2012

A Festive Send Off

Today's news is that I got an email from the visa people telling me my visa has been issued and is being sent to me!  So now I just need to show it to IBM and work with them to determine my official first day of work in the UK.  

Tonight was also our first Literary Festival meeting.  Vicki got confused and thought it was Rhina's birthday so we planned a pot luck with cake and sparklers only to find out that her birthday was in January.  Oh well - any excuse for cake and sparklers!  Vicki didn't want us to light them on her new deck so we stood among the planting beds in her "Farm".  The ground is covered in highly flammable hay so half of us were looking up at the sparklers while the other half were looking down to stamp out fires in the hay.  Fortunately no one had to Stop, Drop, and Roll.

(Fire in the hay!)

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