Saturday, September 29, 2012

From Cornwall to Somerset

Somehow we spent most of Friday in the car.  As I've mentioned before, I'm in love with the drives here so that was almost as good as being somewhere. (At least for me in the passenger seat - which reminds me that I did drive a bit the other day but it was not documented here.  Need to do more driving soon.)  We wanted to make Saturday's drive home short so we drove all the way to Bradford Upon Avon for a late lunch.  The people who sat at the table before us were kind enough to leave The Daily Mail and I was riveted by the stories (15 year old who ran away with her teacher, pensioners on sleeping pills, a reality TV show where celebrities take ecstasy and a little piece about Benedict Cumberbatch dating Liv Tyler ?!?!  (NPPS - please confirm!)
 We have yet to meet a local beer we didn't like.   The Glastonbury Ales were so good and had such fun names we ducked into the wine store next door to load up on a variety to take home. our only shopping so far!
 Our last night in a B&B for this trip lead us to a really nice restored parsonage in Beckington (below and Bill going out the front door).  Dinner at the local pub which allowed dogs so there were three canine punters that we enjoyed very much.  We love the combo of dogs in a pub. Bill now thinks we need a Basset Hound.  

1 comment:

chi said...