Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

These are some scenes from the long weekend Stateside.  Two little nudists treated me to a trip down memory lane when they spontaneously donned their undies like ski masks.  Are we sure these two are not blood related to the Entwistles?  Shoo be doo be doo be doo be....
Bret has created this little sanctuary.  I wound up locking him out of the house on Sunday because I didn't even realize he was home.
I spent the holiday with Stacey and Di in the North End.  Pasta, bread, tomatoes, mussels, beer and then a few hours of "back to school" shopping.  I have realized that I'm going to need some fallish clothes while I'm still here so I picked up a few things to tie me over until I get back to my wardrobe in Eton. 
Of course, the day is far from over - NPPS meets tonight at my house for our usual fare of sweet potatoes, blackened brussel sprouts and the next installment of Landgirls.  Happy Labor Day everyone!

1 comment:

Fletch said...

Isn't it about time for a Joey update?