Friday, September 7, 2012

Our first guest

It's ironic that the first guest we have at our UK home is Jen's Aunt and Uncle who also did an assignment in the UK ... and lived about a mile from where we are living.  Isn't life funny that way.  It's also ironic (I don't think Alanis Morrisette and I are using the word ironic correctly) that Jen isn't here.
I'm trying to think "what would Jen want me to do to entertain Marge and Doug".  I wasn't sure so I bought a hookah.  Maybe it is because of the long trip from Colorado but they were not up for my plans to sit outside listening to Arlo Guthrie songs smoking bacon flavored Sheesha. 
We ended up going to the pub for dinner.  Doug told a story about the time when a waitress asked Doug if Mother Entwistle, Doug's sister, was his mother.  Doug was almost as giddy telling this story as he was talking about the VISA exchange rates between the U.S. and U.K.  It made me realize the no matter how old you get, it's just fun to make fun of your sibling.
Don't worry Mother, I stuck up for you.
It is great having them here.  I think they are getting a kick out of reliving their days in Windsor. 
(It's 9:00pm... the fox guy should be coming out to feed the foxes soon....)

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