Tuesday, September 4, 2012

All in the family

I was able to get 9 holes in after work today.  I met Eileen, the club bartender.  She is Anthony's Mom, the guy who I went out with the other night.  I think it would be weird if my Mom worked with me.  I'd be too protective of Trudi.  I'd make sure she got the best office.  I would challenge her boss to give her a bigger raise.  I'd make Fletch take her out when he was in town.
Actually, I think I'd like to work with Trudi.

Fletch was asking for more Joey.... so am I.  The kids a ghost.
He moved into the dorms at Salem State this week.  I just checked out his schedule.  It's nasty.  He has a class at 8 and then a six hour gap until his next...  he'll have to get a campus job or two during.  If he works four hours a day he'll put in more hours than Fletch.


didi said...

Congrats on Joey going to Salem State. That's great. Can not imagine an 8 am class though.

Fletch said...

Bill, I resent you questioning my work ethic. You know that I get to the office by the crack of 10 AM, put in a solid 1 hour of work before my 3 hour, 3 martini lunch. I'm back at my desk by 2 PM where I slave away for another 90 minutes before heading home at 3:30 to beat traffic. Thank goodness there aren't any HR professionals around to hold me accountable.