Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sadness Delayed

Tonight was the last NPPS for a while.  It's commemorated with this unfortunate shot of me looking like I'm trying out for a role in Twilight.  What's with the fangs?  I'm definitely on Team Edward in this picture.
 I would be sad but I still have plans to see Christin, Denise and Pete before I leave on Saturday so  it still doesn't quite feel like goodbye.

I came home to find this cozy scene!  Olivia came over to have Bret help with her math homework.  She is at Salem State and told me that she had Joey walk her to class the other day.  Olivia used to live above us at the old condo and I like that the kids have all stayed friends over the years.

Here are some oldies from when we were all a lot younger...

1 comment:

didi said...

I like that the kids are still friends too.