Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wanted - one Red Headed Hen, STAT

Jennie is finally closer to her return to the UK, having received the "go" from work.
That means more tea with Helen and Judy.
I have to admit I'm a bit tired of hosting Hen Night without Jennie.  Judy is constantly mentioning her Dame-hood.  She makes us call her Dame Judy all the time.  It gets tiring.
And Helen brings up her role in Caligula five times a night.  "That reminds me of my dance scene with Malcolm (McDowell) in Caligula."  We get it Helen.  You're hot.
Get here soon, Jennie.


amp said...

Jen has the best hair!

Jen and Bill said...

Bill keeps saying that he can't wait until I have a full head of white hair (which iw weird enough) I realize he expects me to morph into Helen Mirren as I age.