Sunday, September 30, 2012

Back in Bath (cue up AC/DC song)

We finished up our week in England where we always finish our trips; Bath.
“There must be quite a few things that a hot Bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them.”
― Sylvia Plath

We strolled into this men's clothing store that always lures me in with funky suit jackets in the window.  The girl who works there was in particular fine funky style today, rocking green hair and glitter pants.  

We lunched in the sun, then a cloud came, then the sun came out, then more clouds came, then the sun came out, then it was cloudy again, then the beer kicked in.

 Bath was particularly busy because they hosted a Rugby match.  They must have lost because the fans were wandering around in the afternoon muttering to themselves.
Most of the fans distracted themselves by drinking more and watching football on the tellie.  One of my favorite pastimes over here is to watch English fan behavior.  I find it fascinating.
Finished the night at Salamanders for dinner.  Home at 10 and we were unpacked and in bed by 10:45.

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