Thursday, September 13, 2012

NPPS Gets the Royal Treatment

You know how dogs and their owners start to look alike?  Well, this is what happens when you watch too many period pieces:
Bill sent a little surprised package to the girls of NPPS!!
I thought Denise was particularly fetching as Henry the 8th although in this photo it looks a bit like she has two fried eggs for eyes. 
 Strangely enough, Christin didn't look all that different.  Perhaps she should look into an Elizabethan upsweep the next time she goes to the salon.  I, on the other hand, look sickly.  And yes, that's my real nose - the mask somehow elongated it.  Regardless, I'm sending our photo to the BBC and telling them their leading ladies await!


amp said...

Ok I can see Denise is Henry, and I can see christin is Elizabeth I,,,,,,but you look like Marie Antoinette! Who are you.

Jen and Bill said...

I actually don't know for sure...the lacy white "hat" is very nondescript. Anne Boleyn before queendome (and before beheading)?