Saturday, September 15, 2012

Pork and Beans for Dinner?

Laura and I decided to treat ourselves to a nice dinner on a beautiful night so we tootled up to Portsmouth and sat outside at the wine bar I've been wanting to go to forever.
 I know that we're trying to show pictures of food on the blog anymore but when this display of whipped sweet potato and blackberries arrived at our table I couldn't resist.  In fact, I showed our waiter who took my phone into the kitchen to show the chef.  ("Did you know you just sent this out to a table??") The place was so small that our laughter and comments were the center of attention - I'm sure we looked like 5th graders in a sex ed class.

1 comment:

Jen and Bill said...

actually, when I look at the picture I see the face of a Muppet.
Jen and Laura need to think long and hard about their values.