Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Happy Belated Birthday Trudi!

We celebrated Trudi's birthday last night.  Bill ordered some dvds for her that arrived at the house only minutes before she did - a collection that unfortunately included Ghost Protocol starring Tom Cruise.  I have shunned him from my life so Bill likes to taunt me with his existence.   Well played, Mr. MacKay.
 All the MacKay boys came to celebrate.  Joey entertained the boys with lots of rough housing.  He is going to start babysitting the boys for a few hours on Fridays.  Bret told them that they have to mind him on these visits so Malikai whispered, "Uncle Joey, want to know a secret?  I'm going to behave!" (Let me assure you - that IS a secret!!)
 Meanwhile, Wyatte is a little sick and started to fade early.  He still loves the monkey we gave him on the day he was born.  Here's an old favorite of Wyatte and Monkey.  Funny how much he still looks like that baby (but with more hair!)

1 comment:

Jen and Bill said...

Monkey! I can't believe how the monkey looks the same. He's really held his age well....