Saturday, September 15, 2012

Cricket is stupid

Didi needs to be in the blog more, so I posted this picture of us.

Another Saturday, another trip to London.
Today I scouted out London Fair, on the east side.
I drove into London today.  Trying to see if it was better than the train and tube.
Nope.  I cut off a handful of people while trying to multi-task directions, scooters and pedestrians.

I have no idea what is being depicted in this creepy rock sculpture.  It reminded me of mussel man back home.

This is what you do at a cricket match.  I was telling Jennie that this is one European sport that I'm not giving another chance.  On one play I watched a guy hold his paddle out, not swinging at all, and tipped a ball behind him.  I'd call it a foul.  Nope.  The fans cheered and the other team chased it around like the dude smashed a screamer into the gap in left.  On his next ball (he stayed batting, which I don't understand either) he smoked one into the outfield into a tree.  A great blast.  One person clapped.  It was like he messed up by hitting it so well.
It reminded me of when we play softball in Topsfield where they squeezed the field into a park that has a tree not far from third base.  It's too close so they made a rule that if you hit it into the tree you're out.  That's stupid too, just like cricket.

While watching I sat next to this tree.  Someone's cat died and they put flowers and a picture of the cat as a memorial.  At first I was sad, then a little creeped out.  What if everyone did this.  Everywhere you go you'd see death.

A bunch of Londoners sitting in the sun waiting for something I couldn't determine.  Maybe it was a memorial for that cat.

I feel like I've been aging since I came here.  I'm like a sitting President.  They go in eager and chipper.  They come out like they've been in a chipper.