Saturday, September 1, 2012

Another day in London

I went into London again today.  Jen knows I am not a fan of the mess that is the Saturday Market at Portabello Street.  So I took the hint from the book we have highlighting lesser traveled London and went to the back of the market on Goldbourne Road.  I enjoyed that part of the market much better.
Below are a couple picture from this funky place that sold little skull heads and dead bugs.
All I will say is that I made a purchase.

 And I wondered into a cool shop run by a former member of the band "Flesh for Lulu".  He was a great guy.
See if you can spot him in this video.

Ended the day trying out the fourth in my cigar bar series, Dukes Hotel Cigar Bar.  I'm giving it a mediocre rating.  Hotel is beautiful, but the cigar bar ambiance was like the sun room in your Great Aunt's house.

Update on my stolen hat.  Anthony tells me that it's a very British thing to steal a hat like that...  somehow petty theft doesn't seems as bad when it's done by the Brits.

1 comment:

amp said...

I hope you got the skulls!