Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Flaming Torches!

New Year's Eve eve (or Hogmanay Eve?) is the night of the Torch Parade in Edinburgh.
We signed up early enough to be two of 8500 people carrying torches.  
Thousands of people carrying flaming torches in a crowded street?  Yes, please!!!
 According to the paper people started lining up two hours before the event.  We got there about 30 minutes early and ducked into a take away shop to grab a quick bite because we were peckish.  It was clear we were going to be in the back anyway so we might as well not be hungry.  
To take our place at the back of the parade we were walking down that corridor on the left - - the people to the right of that barrier are the parade participants.  We took that shot after already walking a couple blocks!  I think there must have been well over 10,000 walking the route since there were plenty of folks not even carrying torches who came along for the stroll.
 There was a bit of standing a round at first…We couldn't see what was happening but slowly the fire was making its way to us. 
 Yay!  Here comes the fire!!!
 They just passed it down the parade crowd - - you would light your torch from someone in front and turn to light someone behind you.
 We were chatting with these folks while we were waiting…in a crowd of 10,000 people we wound up standing next to a family from Cambridge, MA.  When we said we were from Newburyport they said that was where they went for their last vacation!  The father asked us, "Would you imagine trying to do this at home?  We must be breaking at least 10 different codes just standing here!"
 Getting ready to walk...
 Here we go!!
 Looking in front and behind you just saw a sea of flames.  But when we came around a corner we could see the route winding in front of us - quite a pretty sight.

The front of the parade started at 7pm but I don't think we started walking until at least 7:20 or later.  I read in the news that there were 100 pipers from 6 different pipe bands and a squad of vikings at the front of the parade.  That was so far in front of us that we had no idea.  It didn't matter though - we were happy in the crowd, chatting with strangers, and trying not to light their hair on fire. 

 Bill kept trying to take a shot that looked like we were on fire.

The parade route ended at Calton Hill with a fireworks display.  It was good timing - our torches were burning down to the handle but they had water buckets lining the street to dunk your candle and throw the stick away.

A very fun night and a great way to wind down the year.   I highly recommend that every one takes to the street with torches at least once a year.

1 comment:

didi said...

I think I saw Jamie and Claire in the crowd!!!