Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Post Diane Has Been Waiting For

While Christin was visiting last week we went to an event.  We were just two of many, many woman queuing up outside the church. 
 Chi was very excited…and there weren't even any dogs!!
 We went to see Festive Readings with members of the cast of Downton Abbey!!
The program began with a military chorus singing carols.  Unfortunately many, if not all, of the people around us thought that meant that it was time to chat and catch up with their friends.  I was amazed how many people - and I noticed that most of them were American - just talked at a normal volume right over the singers!!  Unbelievably rude.  I had visions of starting a brawl but then I would have been kicked out  before I saw my Downton pals.  They did finally shut up once the readings got started.

Carson was a big hit with Christin.  I think he may want to get a restraining order to protect him from her admiration.
Lady Edith was much more chic in real life.  During QandA everyone wanted to know when poor Edith was going to finally get a break.  They refused to give spoilers so we still don't know any more than you do.
 Mrs Crawley was there too.
 And hottie Tom the ex-chauffeur.    He can drive me to the protest rally anytime.
I've loved Julian Fellows since he played Kilwillie on Monarch of the Glen.
 Sophie, the Countess of Wessex, was on hand to draw the raffle tickets.

After the program the celebs hung around to meet the rabble.  Christin got some good close ups.

 This was the highlight of the night - a Carson Sandwich. Note Christin's hand on his arm.  He was very patient with us - telling us about his time in Boston - and graciously posed with everyone who asked.  A true gent.  A great night!


Anonymous said...

i you Carson!

Anonymous said...

I <3 you Carson!

didi said...

Words can not describe how jealous I am. Sounds awesome (minus the rude Americans.)