Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas on the Beach

Most people in our town hit the beach on Christmas.
 We went a little later in the day than most - there were other people there although none of them seemed to make it into our photos.  
It's amazing how different the beach looks every time we go.  The erosion really changes the landscape.
It was over 50 degrees but we still bundled up.  The wind was fierce and we have history of under dressing at the shore in winter.  I was determined not to make that mistake again.

 Despite being semi albino I really love the beach.  It's like having an aisle seat on the continent.  I think of it as a case of geological claustrophobia - too landlocked and I get nervous.

 After the beach we drove through town.  It was deserted.  The only place open was The Thirsty Whale.  If we didn't already have food and drink at home that we needed to dispose of I would have been in there with the locals.  
Some of our favorite shops have closed since we left.  In a town like ours there is a lot of turn over on the main street.  It's hard to maintain a steady business all year round and it's frustrating to see the chain stores come in or hear about development plans for the waterfront.  But today, the town was quiet, peaceful, and beautiful.
Merry Christmas!!!

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