Friday, December 5, 2014

Shopping and Eating in Lisbon

I'm sure you're thinking "Another Lisbon post???" but we still have so many pictures to share.  I almost titled this "The post no one has been waiting for"…

Our main activities for this trip (besides golfing and castling) were eating and shopping.
I didn't buy any of these shoes but they looked so fun on the shelf.
One of the ''must see" shopping venues was this indoor market (which is a lot nicer than saying "mall", isn't it?)  I think this was once a beautiful residence and now the rooms all have different retailers with a cafe in the center (you know, like...a mall?).  
Who wouldn't enjoy shopping in these lovely surroundings with this architecture and art all around you?

Of course, I enjoy the street markets as well.  (Nicer than saying "yard sale". It's really just all about the spin.  When Bill and I are home and we go to someone's tag sale I'll just say, "Oh, look, Darling, a pop up outdoor market!" and we'll think we're in Europe.)
All that shopping worked up a thirst.  We wandered into this restaurant and found a quirky, colorful outside patio with a terrific view.  They bring you a bright colored blanket to keep you warm while you enjoy the view.

Friday night dinner was all about Fado music. 
  This is a style particular to Portugal.  It's FULL of emotion.  Of course, we have no idea what they were singing about but it definitely wasn't anything happy.  No rainbows and puppy dogs for the Portuguese.  I can only imagine that these songs were about unrequited love, dead children, and devastation.

 Hopefully you can see the little detail in this picture….our fellow diners were smoking in the restaurant.  We were a bit shocked to see it since we are so used to smokers being shunned to outside allies and balconies.  Bill wanted to light up a stogie and really put the Portuguese tolerance to the test.

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