Saturday, December 6, 2014

White Christmas

About a year ago, Bill arranged a work outing with his team when they were all in London for a meeting.  They were going to see Matilda in the West End. 
Bill bought the tickets and everyone was excited.  But when they got there, it turned out he bought the tickets for the wrong night.  Bill was crushed.  They went out and had fun anyway but Jo, the British member on his team told him that would have been her first London show.  So he and vowed that before we left England we would get her to a show.

This week we went to see White Christmas.
Ceri (pronounced Kerri - the one on the left) from Bill's office joined us.  
 The theater was buzzing with anticipation.
 Several folks came in their festive finery.  Horrible Christmas jumpers are in fashion this time of year here.

I thought this was the first time I was meeting Jo but she remembered me from a meeting many many years ago when she came to the US office for a meeting.
 Bill is universally loved by his work mates.  The ladies behind them don't seem to think much of these antics.

After the show I was back in my "I need to learn how to tap dance!!" mode that hits me after every musical.  I started practicing my signature moves on my way home.  Look out Broadway, here comes Jazzie Jennie!!

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