Saturday, December 27, 2014

All about beans

I think there are only two food stuffs that we  firmly maintain are better in the States:
Pizza and Baked Beans.  
We ate pizza several times but for some reason we only took a picture of baked beans - probably because we gobbled the pizzas like cookie monster with a pile of oreos , no time for photos!  
This was breakfast at the diner our first morning.  (On a side note the diner's name is Angie's Food.  I never really thought about it before but what kind of a name is that?  It sounds so generic.  If I ever open an eating establishment - which I think we all know would be ludicrous - I will be sure not to use the word Food in the title.  Every one knows there will be food, let's think of some other attribute to boast about.)
Anyway, back to beans…the difference, I think, is that the Brits eat their beans in a tomato-based sauce while the US (and I'm assuming this is not just a Boston thing since B and M Beans are available across the country, right?) can ours with molasses.  I read an article that said Americans like food to be  sweeter (vs Brits) and you can definitely taste that in the beans.  
It's Saturday morning and we just arrived back in our London flat.  Bill packed half a dozen bags of sugary cereal to prove my above point (Pops, Lucky Charms, Smacks, Captain Crunch).  He is ready for January.  

1 comment:

didi said...

The only comment I have on beans is, "beans, beans, they're good for your heart, the more you eat, the more you..."