Sunday, December 7, 2014

A night out with Amanda

Bill's ex-workmate was in town again.   Amanda is on the left.  She was spending the night with her friend Laura (Laurie?  I'm embarrassed to day I've forgotten exactly.)  
Whoever she is, I teased her about her picture face.  It's not a smile, it's a botox-lip pout.
This was closer to a smile but still not quite normal.  I would look at her then look at the picture and it was like two different people.

So I told her NOT to make her picture face.
Ok, she can go back to the picture face….

Meanwhile she snapped picks of Bill and I clowning around.  It's not easy getting me without my picture face on!

Congratulations to Amanda - she was in town to get her UK passport. 
We spent the evening talking about boys.  Amanda and Laura are both navigating the choppy waters of romance.   Listening to their stories you realize how many bad apples are out there.  I'm lucky I've got Bill and don't have to worry about these things.
For Diane (and probably others), this just made me thing of a quote:  "Promise me I'll never have to be out there again!"
Which isn't really a great quote (no where near as good as "I also said pesto is the quiche of the 80's") but it just goes to show how WHMS has a quote for every occasion.

Here are our perfect picture faces.

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