Tuesday, December 16, 2014

And now for something completely different...

Jules got to use Bill's ticket on Sunday night since he was in India.  We headed to Cadogan Hall in Sloan Square.  When we got off the tube we were greeted with all sorts of twinkly lights.  I love Christmas time!

But the real star that we were coming to see was…..
 John Cleese!!  
 He was interviewed by David Walliams (Little Britain) about his new memoir called So Anyway...

 As usual there was no photography allowed but everyone in the audience was sneaking pictures with their phones.  These were the best of the batch that I took.  Cleese was very funny although at times it felt a little scripted between the two of them.  But that's ok.  He's still John Cleese. 

He talked about doing the Dead Parrot sketch at the O2 in their live show recently.  Michael Palin made him laugh and he forgot the next line.  So he turned to the audience and asked them - and of course, everyone there knew it verbatim.  They did the rest of the sketch having the audience say all of John's lines in response to Michael. Doesn't that sound like the best show ever?  And he didn't evan have to do anything.

A copy of the book came with the ticket but - - - no signature!!  They didn't even have them pre signed and he wasn't hanging around to talk to the rabble.  I probably would not have been able to stay coherent enough to talk to him anyway.  It was amazing to see one of my life-long heroes in the flesh.

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